Apartment life

I have lived in my apartment just short of a year now. This is officially the first time that i am living on my own. At times i absolutely love it and at others i hate it. I thought by this time i would feel settled…. At ease… Content… but today when i came home from work i found yet another project to complete in hopes that i will eventually have that feeling of completeness inside these walls. Maybe it’s because it is a tiny apartment and i have a lot of things? Maybe it’s because I am only renting, it doesn’t feel like mine? Will i ever have that feeling?

2 thoughts on “Apartment life

  1. I’m on the opposite end of life… I sold my house and now I’m renting a small condo. I can connect with your thoughts about somedays feeling excited and somedays wishing I had a place of my own. One thing that helped me is I made a sweet reading nook where I can go and read or write with all my favorite things close by. Enjoy your independence!

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  2. I lived in my own tiny apartment for a few years before I got married. I didn’t love it then, but when I look back I realize those were some of the best days of my life. Honestly.

    I hope you will too.

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